Hello mate, I posted at your site but I have a request now. Could you please show a conversion of a Tervigon and a how-to use him in battles?
Thank you very much. I am planning on buying 2-3 carnifex kits and make them tervigons because I think they will be better than T-Fexs, what do u think?
My pleasure mate. I'll see what I can do. I'm not really hardcore with my conversions and my tactics are still evolving, but I'll share what I can.
Lets start with the Tervigon conversion. Mine's not fancy, but I did do it with a couple things in mind:
1. It needs to fit the Tyranid look and feel. This means not a lot of sculpting or buying other random toys to bash them together. The Nid sprues are so amazing with all the extra bitz that I'm hoping I can scavenge some pieces to help maintain the right feel.
2. The theme of my army is bugs. The paint scheme is a combination of a jewelled beetle and a wasp. However it ends up, I want it to fit the army feel.

The result: Well, I'm happy with the bug like appearance. It kinda looks like a beetle with crab claws and spidery legs. I put the scything talons down like they are in the codex, used like legs. It's not so much a conversion as a kit bash. I used a full carnifex kit with a trygon headplate and some extra antenna. They give more of a buggy feel and give them impression of broadcasting the synapse web. I liked it enough to build my second the same way. I orignally based them on foam core ovals, but have since ordered proper GW ovals. Here's the second in a slightly more dynamic pose:
And the two together:
So it was quick easy, and effective. I believe I reached my goal of keeping the Nid look, the feel of my army, and easily identifiable and different from my other units. I know they're lacking the signature breeding pouches or egg sacs, but that for a later day. Once I get more of the army painted, I'll go back and sculpt more on. I'm thinking a long dragging egg sack like a termite queen.
Ok thank you very much! Could you also use a tervigon based army in the far future? Also are these carnifex models with trygon heads? :S
ReplyDeleteIt's a carnifex model with a carnifex head - the one with the large lower tusks. Then I attached a trygon's head armor plate to the top of the carnifex head.
ReplyDeleteTervigon tactics are coming. As for a tervigon based army, I'm pretty comfortable with two for now. Shaun from the American ETC team did pretty well with this one:
Tervigon (HQ) - toxins, adrenals, catalyst
2x hive guard
2x hive guard
2x hive guard
Tervigon - toxins, adrenals, catalyst
Tervigon - toxins, adrenals, catalyst
Tervigon - toxins, adrenals, catalyst
This list works really well in objective games, but suffers in killpoint missions.
Forgot the troop termagants in the above list, so add
ReplyDelete10x termagants
10x termagants
10x termagants
so you can take the tervigons as troops.
Thanks for ur fast response, but I didn't want a tervigon tactic, I have seen to many of them. I just wanted a normal army list with a tervigon or two attached... No need to worry about waiting my friend! :)
ReplyDeleteHere's a 2000pt list I'm using tonight with two tervigons. Batrep will be up tomorrow with results.
ReplyDeleteParasite of Mortrex
Hive guard x2
Hive guard x2
Ymgarl genestealers x7
Termagants x10 + devourers
Termagants x10 + devourers
Tervigon + toxins, adrenals, catalyst, stinger salvo
Tervigon + toxins, adrenals, catalyst, stinger salvo
Genestealers x15 + broodlord
Genestealers x15 + broodlord
Gargoyles x14
Tyrannofex + rupture cannon, desiccator larvae, stinger salvo
okay nice, would like also to see some ymgarl genestealers and the parasite! :) When done with batrep can you please describe the battle as better as you can? Thank you and good luck!
ReplyDeleteyah, yah- really late comment...
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I just found this blog, so I'm checking everything out...
These are lovely. Using the Trygon head plate is a very nice touch, it looks amazing, giving the model a really 'armored' look when seen from the front.
The paint scheme, and the highlights on the metallics are making me jealous they're so nice.
Man, you friggin' nailed it.
Thanks Sin~