March at Millennium Games in Rochester means it’s Adepticon Team Tourney practice time. While I won’t be heading out to Adepticon this year, I still wanted to get in on some team action. I’ll be teaming up with my co-author Calypso2ts to bring either a Chaos/Daemon or Nid/Nid army to the event. The other Mandulian Chapel authors (Hyv3mynd & Grubnards) will be present, along with the Da Boyz and Beef & Wing crews. If you’re able to, come on out and join us. It’ll be the 9th of March at Millennium Games in Rochester NY, with registration starting at 9:30AM and dice dropping around 10AM.
Anyway, I wanted to throw out a few list builds to talk about. Each player is limited to 1K, and has to conform to a modified force org (see below). Because each teammate is restricted to 1K, there’s a few things to think about in terms of list building. Do you try and go for a well rounded list, knowing that you don’t have full access to your toolbox, or do you try to focus narrowly?
Calypso2ts and I aren’t sure if we want to do CSM & Daemons or Double Tyranid, so I’ll present a couple of lists for each. These lists will be my side of the team equation. Check out the format of the event below the fold, and I hope to see you there.
March: Adepticon Style team Tourney, Brothers in arms (both adepticon & rule book), 2 person teams, 1000 pts each, must have a partner, modified force org. Painting judge by TO, Adepticon Primer missions.
Each teammate can pick one force org but you both can't pick the same:
Type 1
1 HQ
0-1 Elite
1-3 Troop
0-1 Fast
0-1 Heavy
0-1 Fortification
(no allied detachment)
Type 2
1 HQ
0-2 Elite
1-3 Troop
0-1 Fast
0-1 Heavy
0 Fortification
(no allied detachment)
Type 3
1 HQ
0-1 Elite
1-3 Troop
0-2 Fast
0-1 Heavy
0 Fortification
(no allied detachment)
Type 4
1 HQ
0-1 Elite
1-3 Troop
0-1 Fast
0-2 Heavy
0 Fortification
(no allied detachment)
Please reference this document as well:
Chaos Lord w/ Jump Pack, MoS, & Murder Sword
HellBrute w/ 2 DCCW
10 Noise Marines w/ 8 Sonic Blaster, and 2 Blastmasters (maybe split into 2 units)
10 CSM w/ MoN, Plasma Gun, Lascannon or Plasma
5 Bikes w/ Melta & Plasma
HellBrute w/ 2 DCCW
2X 20 Cultists
4 Terminators (various loadouts)
Land Raider
I know what you’re gonna say, HellBrute? Yeah, well I have a old dread that I converted that I love. He has to come (and will die very early, I know). Aside from that, I like the Lord in the first list, who travels with the bikes. I’ve had pretty good results with the murder sword, I’m surprised that more people don’t talk about it. The second list preys on the idea that people won’t take dedicated anti-tank or anything that would deal with Abby at the 1K level. That said, a bad draw against someone that has the right tools will probably make short work of the 2nd list.
Prime w/ LW&BS & Toxin Sacs
8 Ymgarls
Tervigon w/ +1 power, Toxin Sacs
15 Gaunts
5 Stealers w/Broodlord
3 Biovores
Prime w/ LW&BS & Toxin Sacs
8 Ymgarls
Tervigon w/ +1 power, Toxin Sacs
20 Gaunts
20 Gargoyles w/ Toxin Sacs
Trygon Prime
The first list is fairly low model count, compared to the second list. I feel that the second throws a lot of bodies on the field, and can present a layered assault to keep pressure on the enemy. That said, the first list may be more well rounded with layers of shooting to back up the assault elements. Both lists have 2 monsters. I could always drop the Trygon in the second (which I think should probably stay to handle larger threats) and add Hormugaunts with Toxin Sacs. 60 models with Toxin does sounds pretty nasty. Chewing through 60 bodies while the troop Tervigon and whatever she spawns sits on objectives could work out well.
Let me know what you think. What would be good compliments to these lists? Am I completely missing something?
Your first nid list looks decent. I am concerned about the 5 stealers and a broodlord. With the new overwatch rules and worse cover saves that unit usually won't make it in assault. maybe a group hormagants or gargoyles would be better
ReplyDeleteI've been running the stealers a little bit differently than what's expected. For a while, I was trying to get them in assault and with some good biomancy rolls, they do well. All that said, they still died super easy.
ReplyDeleteInstead, I've been trying to use them in a support role. I have the unit hang back, while dealing out endurance (if I get it). It's been working pretty well. They have been sitting on backfield objectives while buffing other units. They don't see combat unless something wrong has happened. The only problem with this is what if they don't get a good buff spell? Also, the way I play my tervvigon, she is usually in the backfield sitting on an objective. Do I really need 2 units to do this? Not sure. It's worked well so far.
What do you think?
I would personally go for zoanthropes, they dont score but thats whatd the tervigon+spawned gaunts are for, each one should have smite+buff (good chances) and smite from 2+ zoanthropes should easily outkill what the stealers would do in the assualt phase, plus they have 2 wounds with a 3++...of course to do this you would need the 2 elite force org, i will be the double heavy support force org for my team ;) goodluck and see you there!!
DeleteI like the 5 man Brood Lord mini psyker in there. I know it is a bit dependent on rolls but Enfeeble is nice to get for an infiltrating debuffer, Endurance is outstanding. If you do get Iron Arm then it makes the Broodlord a potential killer, same with Warp Speed to a lesser extent. Worst comes to worst, they go in reserve and show up later to sit on an objective and do what most Tyranids cannot...go to ground - they are also just dead killy to have around if someone wants to get cheeky and go after that objective with some kind of contesting force.
DeleteIf they do end up as a backfield camper, I wold play the Tervi very aggressively moving forward.
The way I see it the commando stealers are good for two things. Sitting in the back and deterring line breakers, or outflanking for line breaker or n objective of your own. The psy powers have potential but at a risk. My last game with them no joke, I rolled both shooting powers.
DeleteZoans are a great support unit, but last time I ran them they were the first unit to get focused down all 3 games in a tournament. The psy powers are 24" or less so you can't use maledictions if you go first. If you go second, they're a tempting target for first blood.
I do agree you can't afford to hold back with too many units. Tyranids are inherently fragile with low T gribblies, poor armor, and no invulns so your rear units need to be in support range of your front units. Or at least that's my play style with that army. Tervigons can be vulnerable as they advance, but 2 bio powers make them a viable threat in assault now so sitting back with them can mean lost potential.
Like it or not, 6th really is a shooting game. Sure the line breaker dynamic gives some use to assault units, but the huge blocks of rapid firing infantry paired with increased popularity of plasma and autocannons means you really gotta cherry pick your assault units. As such, I think list 3 is the way to go if you play bugs. List 4 has no shooting and while your partner could bring a lot of shooting, IDK if tyranids can pull it off in this format. I would use hive guard instead of the fex to open up transports more reliably for the biovores to be fully effective. I wouldn't use the commando squad if you plan on holding the tervigon back. Hormagaunts may be better with more bodies to push forward and hit when the ymgarls do. If you want to play aggressively, claws are a must on the terv IMO.
Can't wait to see what you guys settle on, I'd love to play against my own bugs if we get paired next week.
"Calypso2ts - Worst comes to worst, they go in reserve and show up later to sit on an objective and do what most Tyranids cannot...go to ground - they are also just dead killy to have around if someone wants to get cheeky and go after that objective with some kind of contesting force."
ReplyDeleteI guess that never really came to mind. I suppose I've been lucky that I've been rolling endurance or enfeeble quite a bit. If he gets anything else, I should just put him in outflank for an objective grab.
"hyv3mynd -The psy powers have potential but at a risk. My last game with them no joke, I rolled both shooting powers."
I was just cleaning my hobby room and I came upon my army lists and the Psy power lists I keep on the back for the last few tournaments. Out of the last 10 games, I get 1 of those shooting powers and something else useful. Whenever I roll I keep on thinking, "yup, come on 4 & 6, I know you're in there."
Also, good points on the tervigon. I'll have to chew over my options.
Yeah a lot of personal preference there. More "fun" potential with some good psy power rolls. I think I've rolled at least one shooting power with the BL every time I've used him so my experiences heavily influence my suggestions. Some of the alternatives would be less random and more reliable in a competitive setting. I know the "fun factor" usually plays a larger part in your decisions so don't let me convince you otherwise.