
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Hobby Time

     After reading through Hyv3mynd’s last post covering his latest works-in-progress and airbrush setup, I thought that I’d show off what I’ve been working on and some of my painting setup. My hobby time has been split up between a few projects: 1) Fantasy Orcs and Goblins, 2) Necrons, 3) Chaos, 4) Space Hulk 5) Tyranid touchups. The Orcs and Goblins have been eating up the most of my hobby time, with the other projects receiving a smattering of attention when the inspiration arises. 

     As you can see from the picture above, I just assembled, primed and base-coated 50 Savage Orcs (40 Boyz & 10 Boar Riders). After a recent near miss with a deer, I found myself with a carrying case full of broken Orcs & Gobbos. To a lesser extent, I think most of us accumulate ‘battle damage’ to our minis, but I wondering what I could do to minimize long term breakage. For these new models, instead of using standard super glue, I went with the GW plastic glue. It’s a little more expensive, but I figure that the bonding of the plastic will pay off in the long run.

     After removing mold lines and assembly, I primed the models with White Walmart primer. Say what you will about Walmart, but their basic primers (white, grey, and black) are great.  I think that they offer great coverage, and go on smoother than almost anything else I’ve tried. The only other spray primer that I like more is made by Privateer Press, but the closest store that carries it is 2 hours away.

     Next, I based all the models with Scorpion Green & Moot Green. To do this I used Master’s G48 airbrush. I’m not nearly as adept as Hyv3mynd when it comes to painting with an airbrush, so I stick with basecoats and simple gradients. One of my biggest painting challenges was applying an even coat of paint without leaving behind brushstrokes or other uneven painting artifacts. The airbrush solved this problem for me, applying an even coat in a fraction of the time. It’s especially fast when you want to do large batches like this, but I still find myself going to it even when I’m faced with just a few models. The time saved, and the quality of coverage is just too good.

     I have two airbrushes. I received an Iwata Revolution Double Action as a gift last Christmas, and I subsequently picked up the Master’sG48. I like the Iwata and I think it’s a great airbrush, but I don’t use it that much primarily because it is bottom feed. You need a ridiculous amount of paint to make sure that it’s running smooth, and if you’re using GW paints like me, it becomes cost prohibitive. I still use it on larger projects like terrain, but that’s about it. The G48 has been my go-to brush for a while now. Its only drawback is that the paint reservoir could be a bit larger. I find myself refilling it after 10 models (and by refilling, I mean spilling paint on myself).
     In terms of compressors, I use the one that came with my Iwata, a Badger 180-10. If I were to buy one separately, I’d recommend getting one with a tank.

     One other thing to consider. In the warmer months when it's not too humid outside, I airbrush in my backyard. In the colder months, I’ve been forced inside. If you’re airbrushing inside, you need some sort of ventilation system to take the paint particles out of the air, otherwise you’ll be breathing it in. I use an inexpensive air purifier. I usually paint within a few feet of it, and have never had a problem with air particulates. You can also look at the filter and see how much stuff is being pulled down (the filter has quite a green ting to it). 

     That’s it for now. As I make more progress, I’ll keep you updated. I’m really looking forward to the next few steps as I get to try out some other airbrush techniques, and my new Winsor & Newton Series 7 Brushes (Christmas Presents!) Take it easy,


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