
Monday, August 27, 2012

Dark Eldar: DaBoyz GT 2012 Project Army T-9 Weeks

I both love and hate the painting grind running up to a big tournament.  I love seeing the progress, trying new things, and watching the collection evolve.  When it comes down to it though, I'd take playing over painting any day.  I was all over the place again this week but got a lot of stuff accomplished.

I worked a little on Lady Malys doing some skin tones and trim.  She's not nearly done, but I didn't want to have to play with an unpainted warlord.

 I was able to prime Maugan and get one layer of grey airbrushed on.  The rangers are finecast and took forever to trim.  They're shaded with one layer of black from the bottom up.  In the back is a Baron Sathonyx conversion I started and primed.

I was able to assemble, prime and basecoat 2 new beastmasters (back).  I also assembled, primed, and basecoated 5 khymerae (middle).  Up front (left), I started 2 new bases.

I assembled 5 new warriors (back) and tore off the arms and cloak of my archon to make her a sybarite instead.  Still needs a pistol and venom blade and the cloak is going on Baron Sathonyx.

Four new wyches got primed and basecoated.

And I did a little work on the grotesque bases.

Finally, I finished basecoating and assembling the razorwing.  Still haven't touched this with anything but an airbrush yet.  Not sure if I like the canopy yet, I'll have to finish painting the supports and see how it looks.

That's all for this week.  Sorry for the manic nature of the projects.  I'm trying to get the whole lot assembled to play in the September tournament and maybe a practice game or two before.  At this point, I only need to assemble 3 war walkers and 3 more khymerae.  Plus, my free time is dictated by my son so I have to be careful which projects I work on and when.  My goals for the next week are to get the rest assembled and maybe get a base coat on everything.  I'll leave you with a shot of my supervisor.

No painting during daylight hours Dada!


  1. Hey, how'd you make/whered you get those bases?

    1. They are made with chunks of plaster - demo here:

      I also used 4 different particle sizes of rock and rubble including GW slate (large & small), GF9 rocks, and sand.

      They're airbrushed directionally to create light and shadow.

      There's another pic of bases in progress here:

      And closeups of finished bases here:

      I'll probably write up a tutorial at some point when I finish this batch of bases.

  2. Looking great so far, I must have missed the list you were planning to run. I think DE have some interesting Heavy Support choices now though with Flyers being so strong (at least for the moment).

    1. The list can be found here:

      I like flyers enough to put one in every list, but I'd be hesitant to use many. Forced reserve, minimum travel distance, and only one pivot really balance their survivability.

  3. Holy crap - what a cute kid!!! Aside from that, glad to hear I'm not the only one that hates trimming finecast. If it weren't for pinning, I think I would hate it more than working with metal. Had to look much more closely at Raging Heroes - that is such a gorgeous sculpt. Sad that I find myself surfing ebay looking at Rackham for the sculpts ;)

    1. Thanks man. My wife is much more forgiving when I throw pics of the kid in the blog =)

      Good luck @ NOVA. I'll watch for you on the top table again!

  4. Both those HQs are awesome, I see the extra head from the Malys conversion is making good use with the Baron.

    I've been moving slowly towards that Grot bomb, they are so hard to deal with now. T5 and 3 wounds with FNP means the few Str 10 weapons out there have to spend time on them. That lets Beasts, wyches, Taloi, and Venoms get into position to take advantage.

    1. Yeah I'm having so much fun with the HQ's. I was kinda stuck with the baron but I think the extra asharah head, cloak from my archon, and a couple extra bits on the sky board will work.

      I haven't tested the grotesques yet properly in 6th, but I think advancing behind an aegis and FnP against previously unallowed wounds will make them interesting. An IC out front with 2+ LoS! and 2+ armor will help too =)

  5. I really like how vibrant the army looks, its nice to see it all coming together.

    Keep up the great work. Fingers crossed you get it all finished in time.

    PS: I know what its like having a little one, I do most of my hobby at night once the kids are asleep.

    1. Thanks man. It's funny how many daddies are painting through the night. Midnight painters unite!

  6. Everythings looking great!!! I hope i can make it to this years GT when i found out my fiance planned the babyshower the saturday of last years GT i was super bummed. Little man is gettin big, my son is also growin up so fast this year is flying by!!! Ive been busy doing an army wide tyranid conversion i hope to get done by september and at least basecoated its a big bug heavy list and im not worrying about spawned gaunts yet so i should be good even though my mini-me/job only lets me model/paint after 10pm , see ya in september!

    1. Thanks Chris. Yeah, the kids grow up fast! Can't believe he's almost 8 months already. Can't wait to see your bugs back in action.
