
Thursday, May 26, 2011

ATC Game #1

Well, I'm sitting on almost 20 batreps that will take forever to write up.  I figure I'll  write up the main event first since the results are already all over the internet, and write up my practice games afterward.  Without further ado...

My list:
Tyrant + as, oa, devsx2
Tyrant Guard x3 + whips
Tervigon + ts, ag, cat
Hive Guard x3
Hive Guard x3
Genestealers x19
Genestealers x19
Tervigon + ts, ag, cat
Termagants x10
Tyrannofex + rc, cs, desiccator

My opponent's list (forgot his name, it was a long weekend):
Warboss + toys
Big Mek + kff
Fully diversified nob squad + Wagon/roller
15 kommandos + snikrot
19 boyz + toys
20 boyz + toys
20 boys + toys
10 grots
Wagon + roller
Wagon + roller
Wagon + roller

Pre-game:  I wasn't too excited about all the av14, but I didn't want to face some of their other lists, so I took on this match by choice.  I built this list to dominate DoW, which is what the first game was.  I figured I would push him back with deployment and back up to draw him up and hope to kill some wagons with shooting.  I won the roll to go first.  Bones are c&c objectives, poker chips are sg objectives, green flags are FnP.

I deploy half way up with genestealers for wrap (I know he won't have t1 assault), tyrant unit for dakka and paroxysm, and the troop tervigon for FnP.
I deployed off center to draw him off center.  I put my c&c objective up towards the middle to keep it away from snikrot.  My opponent failed to seize.  I bring on everything except one unit of genestealers outfanking.  I walk on most units on the left.  Now if he comes on left, I get side shots with the tyrant or he angles towards the tyrant and I get side shots with hive guard and tfex.  If he comes on right, I get my genestealers and tyrant stuck in early.  I run everything.

Orks roll on with 4 wagons.  Both kopters are outflanking and grots in normal reserve.
He took the bait. My ouutflanking stealers arrive on  my left.  I back up the tyrant and genestealers and spawn a unit of gants in front of them.  I also spawn gants behind and try to block off some of the board edge from snikrot.  Tfex wiffs an everything else runs.
 He decides to commit even though snikrot stays off.  He rolls up and unloads 2 wagons of boyz and the nobs.  He makes the fatal mistake here of flaming the gaunt screen with his nobs and I removed enough models to prevent their assault.  He sends 40 boyz against a few gants and 19 FnP stealers and both sides take heavy casualties but lock.

I fire both units of hive guard into the nobs, denying cover and FnP and slaying many.  My tyrant then makes them ws1...  The tervigon up front has spawned another unit of gants and they both enter the melee with preferred enemy from the tyrant.  I nearly wipe out all the orks, but enough remain to keep me locked (which is what I wanted so he can't deffroll me).
His grots walk on and take his c&c objective, but his kopters stay off.  Snikrot comes on and prepares to declare genocide on the termagants.  He may have rolled some units but caused minimal damage after armor saves.  He sends his nobs into the melee despite paroxysm.  This ties everything up even more.
I'm going to lose both units of gants in my backfield so I send the HQ tervigon back to tarpit snikrot's unit away from my objectives.  I fire everything at wagons and te best I get is shaken results.  My tyrant is still dealing with the warboss and a few nobs, so I send my troop tervigon towards his objective.  It assaults the right wagon and wrecks it.  Hive guard wreck another wagon.
His kopters arrive but he doesn't want to go anywhere near my units.  He tank shocks my 19 stealers and contests that objective.  He tank shocks all over my c&c and sg objective also.  My tyrant battles on with the warboss, kills it, and breaks free.

He's got a wagon with 19 boyz and the mek on my objectives.  I spawn a unit of gants and run up to contest his.  One unit of hive guard shoot down a kopter, the other are out of range.  I assault everything into his wagon on my objective, wreck it, and he can only place 3 orks due to my wrap.  Unfortunately, he's still in contest range.  19 genestealers assault the last wagon and all I manage is a stun.
We call the game here.  His surviving kopter is off the pic to the left.  2 of 3 sg objectives are contested, I control the last with the troop tervigon in the upper right. The gants in the top right are contesting his c&c objective and his 3 surviving boyz contest mine.  I win KP's and SG and draw C&C for 25-5.  This was my best game of the event as I only gave up 3 kp (gants) and 183 vp's (half of 19 stealers and my original 10 gants).  Chris scored 30-0, Jay 25-5, Shaun 25-5, and Joe 10-20 for a team score of 115 which I believe put us in 2nd after round #1.


  1. Good stuff. Your batreps are always a good read. I'd love your comments on my tourney list if you get a few minutes in the next few days.


  2. Huzzah! Batreps are here!

    Nice game and congrats on the win. Seems like you really out-played your opponent. Looking forward to more =)

  3. Great battle report, as always. Sounded like a good game for the nids.

  4. Great bat rep, look forward to the rest.

  5. Awesome battle report, can't wait to read more!

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