
Monday, December 20, 2010

List of the Week: 2k Hybrid

This is a hybrid list I'll be testing for the next two weeks.  I'm pretty excited about it, hopefully you see why:

Tyrant +heavy venom cannon, old adversary, armored shell, regen  (280)
Tyrant Guard x3 + whips (195)
PoM (160)

Hive Guard x2 (100)
Hive Guard x2 (100)
Venomthropes x2 (110)

Tervigon + ts, ag, cat,  (195)
Tervigon + ts, ag, cat,  (195)
Termagants x10 + devourers (100)
Termagants x10 + devourers (100)
Genestealers x20 + ts (340)

Gargoyles x15 +ts,ag (120)

Here's why I like it.  It has 3 solid hammer units with some of the best synergistic units in our codex.  You have the tyrantstar as a focal point for your advcance offering str9 firepower at range, paroxysm as you close, and preferred enemy to everything nearby.  Gargoyles with the parasite offer fast moving pressure, cover, and counterassault.  20 Genestealers with poison pose a huge threat, especially when combined with preferred enemy.

Now, envelope all those in a spore cloud for guaranteed cover, defensive grenades, dangerous terrain, and now you're starting to make your opponent sweat.  Add hive guard for transport suppression, catalyst for whoever needs it most, and you have some very interesting synergy.

Know what seals deal?  With everything mentioned above, nobody will be targetting your devilgaunts which will safely torrent away during the later turns.  Never forget how much damage they can do in close combat also with poison, furious charge, and preferred enemy.

The list may end up being weak against overly mechanized lists or av14, but I'll have to see how it plays out.  The MC's can flip vehicles just fine, genestealers can rend anything shy of land raiders, and the parasite isn't bad at str6.  Triple long fangs may pose a problem also, but this list doesn't fear them as much either as everything has cover.  They'll also have to waste a turn shooting at venomthropes.

Batreps with this list coming soon...


  1. Can't wait for a batrep! If you would, especially include how the PoM + Gargoyle squad worked out! I'm interested in the PoM but have always been weary of his T4...

    I just finished my Tyrannofex conversion, can't wait to start playing it :)

  2. You don't think that the armoured shell, regen w/ 3 guard is too much?

  3. In some situations yes, but not in this list. The unit is designed to stand and deliver Old Adversary to as many units as possible. With only 3 MC's, I'm hoping the unit will draw some missiles away from Tervigons also so the 2+ helps there. Regen is probably overkill but I like to put a couple plasma wounds on the Tyrant early on to kickstart regen. Since he can't be singled out in shooting or cc, I usually put a couple wounds on him first.

  4. I do the same with my tyrant (give him the first few wounds).

    Didn't think about the preferred enemy bubble... That's good. I may steal the idea.
